Education Choice Forum
Learn from two experts the pros and cons of school choice. Bring your questions.
Learn from two experts the pros and cons of school choice. Bring your questions.
Codi shares who the Senate Caucus chose to serve in leadership positions.
Codi and Senate Majority Leader Kelly Anthon discuss how they have and are working to reduce taxes in Idaho.
Codi discusses her experience as an educator to both children and adults proving why she is the education candidate.
Codi talks with Ada County candidates about keeping our communities safe.
Codi discusses three main differences between herself and her opponent for the LD15 State Senate.
Codi invites Senator Doug Okuniewicz to talk about his bill ensuring that illegal immigrants will not vote in Idaho elections.
Meet the team for Ada County Commissioner, Prosecutor, and Sheriff online on September 26th at 7pm.
Codi talks about property tax in Idaho and why it is so important to voters.
Join us August 24th at 7 PM at the Kleiner Park Bandshell for a FREE patriotic community concert.
Codi asks for your financial support in her upcoming election for the Idaho Senate seat in District 15.
Check out the upcoming meet & greet dates. Come see Codi and discuss limited government, responsible leadership, and Idaho values.
Join us August 24th at 7 PM at the Kleiner Park Bandshell for a FREE patriotic community concert.
Codi asks for your financial support in her upcoming election for the Idaho Senate seat in District 15.
Codi reads directly from the Idaho statute, Defense of Life Act (DOLA), that protects unborn children while also allowing for abortion in the rare and tragic circumstances of rape, incest, or when the mother’s life is at stake.
Codi shares when, where, and how to vote in the Idaho Primary Election on May 21st.
Seeing a doctor has become more of hassle that
Codi talks with Representative Wendy Horman and Senator Scott Grow as they explain the improvements that are making the budget transparent, fiscally responsible, and accurate.
The Christian Outreach Multimedia Events (COME) recently united to
Codi shares a HO Bill 521 that aims to lower taxes and improve school buildings. She shows how anyone can do their research into the bill.
Listen to how limited government is alive and well in HB444, a proposed bill in the house.
Codi shares her recent read of “Why Nations Fail” and talks about how governments play into what makes nations wealthy or impoverished.
This is the full recording from the Taxes Meet and Greet. Codi and Representative Mike Moyle (House Majority Leader) explain how the Idaho Legislature worked to lower taxes in Idaho during the 2022 session.
This is short clip from the Education Meet and Greet. Codi expalins how the Idaho Legislature worked to improve education in Idaho by increasing parent involvement.
I’m a capitalist and a supporter of the vaccine. So why do vaccine mandates by employers feel so wrong?
Codi answers a constituent question on what Idaho is doing to make sure our elections are safe and secure.
Idaho collected tax surplus. Now, it’s being returned to you in the form of a tax rebate.
Codi shares how education is being addressed at the Legislature through health insurance for teachers, empowering parents grants, and a revolving loan fund for school buildings.
Codi shares her three legislative priorities for 2022: Pro Freedom, Pro Education, and Low Taxes.
Codi Galloway: Hello. I want to talk to you today about two things that are happening down at the House, budget and education, both big
The Idaho Legislature is hard at work. Taking a quick break to keep you updated, Codi Galloway discusses bills that determine Idaho’s budget for education.
Codi Galloway: Good morning, I’m here today to talk to you about tax relief, which is always an exciting topic. We have great news in
Hello, District 15. It’s Codi Galloway and I’m here today to talk to you about transportation. I have the chairman of the Transportation Committee,
I’m Representative Codi Galloway and I’m speaking for the children who have gone unheard in the current school shutdown. Children need to be back in school full-time, in-person for three main reasons.
We have to solve the rapidly rising property taxes in Boise. House Bill 1075 and Senate Bill 1108 are two steps in the right direction. Look for additional bills in the next couple of weeks that will continue to work in concert with 1075 and 1108 to reduce your property taxes.
Hi, everyone. It’s Codi Galloway and I’m talking to you from the Idaho State Capitol and I have good news today. I think, oftentimes, you
It’s Codi Galloway and I’m here today to talk to you about something important I’m getting a lot of email on. The emergency declaration. I’m
Good morning. Codi Galloway here. I want to talk to you about something I’m doing in my campaign. I had my son write a letter
Good morning. Codi Galloway here. I want to talk to you about something I’m doing in my campaign. I had my son write a letter
I’m going to answer a question that I get on the doorsteps often is, and it’s usually from hunters and gentlemen, and they’ll say, “Cody,
Hi everyone. It’s Codi Galloway, and I’m here today to talk to you about education. I am an elementary school teacher, I’m a mother of
Door Knocking for Date Night Scott: We went door knocking and had a very fun time talking to Republicans and unaffiliateds and Democrats and everything.
Codi Galloway is Wonder Woman; she’s also my mom and you should vote for her. Let me tell you why. Dear Voter, Ok, so maybe