The Fight for District 15

In 2002 Boise was a Represented by Republicans
Twenty short years ago the Legislative districts in Boise looked like the image below. The mayor was a Republican and nearly every senator and house member was a Replublican. The Democrats who were in District 19 and 16 were moderates like Dave Bieter.

Twenty Years Later 
Over the course of twenty short years, Boise slowly morphed into a Democrat stronghold. As you can see from the image below, Democrats have quite literally taken over the city. See that tiny spec of red in District 15? That is the only house seat in Boise still held by a Republican. 

How Did it Happen?
This switch didn’t happen overnight. It happened with a very strategic plan from the Democrats district by district. The plan? Funnel pac and dark money into specific districts to overwhelm individual Republican candidates. 

Here is how it works. In 2022 Codi Galloway raised $40,000–a respectable amount for any local legislative race in Idaho–to run for Senate in District 15. This is in addition to the $40,000 she raised (and spent) to win the primary race earlier that year. 

Half a Million Spent
In the 2022 general election Codi was outspent 10-1 by the Democrats who had determined the Senate seat in District 15 was a “must win” to take over Boise. Pacs like Planned Parenthood and the Teachers Union spent hundreds of thousands of dollars running against Codi. In addition to TV, radio, google, social media, and print ads, there were highly skilled knocking teams in the district 24/7 for the two months leading up to the election. 

Fighting Back
Even with half a million dollars spent (plus a third party candidate, plus an incumbant who endorsed the democrat) Codi only lost by 327 votes–a very narrow margin. This year we know what we are up against. We have a good strategic plan, support from legislative leadership, and we are raising funds early. Get into the fight and help Codi Galloway hold the line in District 15 and switch the Senate seat back to red.