Upcoming Meet & Greet Dates

Check out the upcoming meet & greet dates. Come see Codi and discuss limited government, responsible leadership, and Idaho values.

Are Idaho’s Pro-Life Laws A Danger To Women?

Idaho's Pro Life Laws-Codi For Idaho

Codi reads directly from the Idaho statute, Defense of Life Act (DOLA), that protects unborn children while also allowing for abortion in the rare and tragic circumstances of rape, incest, or when the mother’s life is at stake.

Bringing Healing Home: One House Call at a Time

Dori Healy

Seeing a doctor has become more of hassle that it was event twenty years ago.  The cost of healthcare, time to get an appointment, and frustration have all increased dramatically. Dori Healey (APRN- CNS) and her small business, Idaho Outreach, are making a change. Idaho Outreach is making a difference by making healthcare customer-friendly again, one […]

State Budget Co-Chairs Share Budget Success

new budget process

Codi talks with Representative Wendy Horman and Senator Scott Grow as they explain the improvements that are making the budget transparent, fiscally responsible, and accurate.